Daily Meditation #26



“You’re not the continuous chattering of your mind, you’re the one hearing it.”



There are no mistakes

There are no mistakes; none have ever been made and none ever will be made. Nothing ever happened in the past to hinder or hurt. There is no past, and I know, and can see, that there is no belief in any past to rise against me. I live in the now, free from any yesterdays or tomorrows. Now, I am happy, free and complete. My word erases any and all beliefs in mistakes and sets me free. I am free! I am free from any beliefs in the past.

-Ernest Holmes



Quaerite Et Invenietis “Seek and you will find”

“There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed”


May God bless and protect you and…

May you always be

Healthy, Happy

Safe and Comfortable


Keep smiling, keep shining

Seth Kelly Curtis