
This is the story of my quest for spirituality.

47 comments on “About

  1. May you seek God and find him and have him guide you to be the person he wants you to be.

  2. Athira says:

    Hi Kelly,

    I would like to follow your writings at the same time…I would like to introduce my blog to you, so if you are interested please do follow and comment. Here is the link to my blog.


    Thank you

    Stay Blessed!

  3. Avia Tinder says:

    You’re a youngster yet 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Thank you for visiting my site; you are welcome to visit again; I just posted Pgs. 1 & 2 on FAITH in my journey in life; please comment on anything you want to because comments are so important and welcome on this journey!

  5. Beckwith407 says:

    NorCal? Cool. Me too.

  6. Nice works of Art. You have a way with words. My Son lives in Tryon and Owns The Rural Seed Restaurant in Columbus. I do visit periodically. Continue your journey to find that which is happiness.

  7. Nabeela says:

    Hello…. I have sent you an email…. Please reply soon….

  8. Just know that you are the one. May you find it all

  9. The Believer says:

    Hi kelly you write fabulous that I was just reading it again n again, at same time,,, I would like to know you I started blogging just some weeks back if you are interested please comment and like on my blogs site:gadgetdils.wordpress.com

  10. Sheryl Gim says:

    Hi, Kelly! Thanks a lot for following Thoughts of SheryL!
    You have a great blog! 🙂

  11. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for following my blog! 🙂

  12. Dilip says:

    Inspiring quest good luck to you Kelly 🍀😀

  13. Susan says:

    Hi ! Got a friend / new nurse and new blogger that I think could use a pep talk. If there’s any chance you could send her a note, would so appreciate it !

    But is it your best?

  14. usfman says:

    Well put concisely. Thanks for following my blog as well.

  15. May you attain success in your quest🌷God bless you!Best wishes for a happy & safe life 💕

  16. mostestrev says:

    Since I couldn’t find a Contact page, I decided to use this. As a subscriber to my WordPress blog, I wanted to let you know that I have moved it to Squarespace. If you wish to continue receiving it, you may go to https://www.jimmusser.com/jims-blog-1. A pop-up will appear after 10 seconds allowing you to subscribe.



  17. quiall says:

    It is an honourable quest. Thank you for following my blog.

  18. ttkach says:

    Thanks for following my blog. Blessings.

  19. May the Almighty fulfil your quest for a spiritual life :our sincere best wishes 🙏🏾

  20. I will be following along to see where your journey leads you. I hope that you will accept these words as my gift to you as you travel. You say that you are on a “quest to find spirituality” and yet, I suspect, without knowing it, you have found it already. I would strongly encourage you to begin a practice of meditation. It is the simplest tool there is for becoming aware of the presence that dwells within all of us. You just open yourself to it – allowing yourself to rest in the “unknowing” – to accept the mystery. I have heard many people say they cannot meditate because they cannot stop thinking. To which I say “welcome to being human”. Meditating is the practice of stillness. Being quiet. Listening. Not to the thoughts that come but to the deepest sense of peace and love that has no words. Your mind goes on thinking as that is what minds do. You simply choose not to follow the thoughts. There have been many books written on the subject of meditation. I personally practice TM (transcendental meditation) but I would recommend reading “Journey of Awakening” by Ram Dass, “Effortless Deep Meditation” by Joanie Higgs, or “Intimacy with God” by Thomas Keating. Three very different authors but they all lead to the same road. Blessings for your journey.

  21. DnM Beyond says:

    Hey Kelly, I noticed you liked my comment on a discussion post. Would you mind following/subscribing to our blog in exchange for a follow back? We are an up and coming blog so would heavily appreciate it

  22. Thank you for following my blog and if you want to ask me anything please let know!

  23. Jeff says:

    Thanks for the follow. Following back. I wish you success in your quest.

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