Nightly Spiritual Quote #853 Eckhart Tolle

Nobody can tell you who you really are. It would just be another concept, so it would not change you. Who you are requires no belief. In fact, every belief is an obstacle. It does not even require your realization, since you already are who you are. But without realization, who you are does not shine forth into this world.


Peace and Love

Seth Kelly Curtis

Rosicrucian Reflections #219

“The greatest prosperity in life is not associated with money or even with the worldly things that have no inherent quality but represent a power to buy. Good health, a moderate enjoyment of the necessities of life, a happy and contented mind, a sureness of what will be made manifest on the morrow, a lack of fear regarding the so-called unknown probabilities of life, a rational and understandable attunement with the Consciousness of the Creator and the Spiritual Mind of the Universe, the fortunate ability to make friends and hold them, to spread sunshine and happiness, to find ways and means of helping others (without the use of money or material things)—these are the things that represent the true prosperity of life. A person who has most of these would not abandon them, trade them, exchange them or sell them for all of the money, the gold, the jewels or material assets of this Earth.” H. Spencer Lewis


May God bless and protect you

Seth Kelly Curtis