Daily Meditation #9


These meditations are excerpts from ‘Science Of Mind’ by Ernest Holmes, published in 1926.


“Become quiet and composed. The body should be relaxed but the mentality should be active. Then, carefully read the meditation several times, phrase by phrase, endeavoring to realize the meaning of the words and trying to enter into the atmosphere of thought. After having done this, meditate upon the words, following the meditation until you feel a sense of realization.”


The Things That Are

“The things that are, were and evermore shall be. Time, chance and change be gone from my thought! The changeless is here to stay, and the timeless cannot cease from being. The things that are shall remain, though heaven and earth shall pass away. I rest secure and safe within the life of endless perfection and completion. My whole being responds to the realization of the complete whole. I am that which is.”

-Ernest Holmes


Quaerite Et Invenietis “Seek and you shall find”


“There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed”


May God bless and protect you and…

May you always be

Healthy, Happy

Safe and Comfortable

Seth Kelly Curtis




4 comments on “Daily Meditation #9

  1. parkermccoy says:

    Great post! I think we have to take a little time each day (or a lot) and just relax. Do nothing. It’s very beneficial. I can get my mind in order when I do that. Otherwise, it’s scatterbrain central. Haha.

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